Most movies and comedies show a man getting stuck in the friendzone with women. They are always crushing on these women who never share the same interests as them. The guy always seems to "woo" the girl at the end of the movie and it is happily ever after. No one thinks a girl can end up in the friendzone, but trust me, it is possible. I, along with plenty of other girls, have been stuck in the friendzone. I would like to say I'm a master of it. And no, never have I "woo-ed" the guy in the end.
How does someone as cool as me end up in the friendzone? It is easy. If you follow these simple steps, you too, can end up in the friendzone.
Step one: Be yourself. Every guy says they want a girl who acts like themselves all the time but in reality they don't. As soon as you unleash that weird and awkward side of yours, there is no coming back. Guys lose interest in you right away. They dream of a perfect girl who has the right sexy but cute appeal. That's not you. The first key to entering the friendzone is just being you.
Step two: Burp. It is that simple. As soon as you unraval the most manly burp you can do, your attractiveness just went from an 8 to a 4. Nothing says any better, "I think you're cute and I want to date you." better than a nice beltch. You are one of the guys now! Congrats! But don't worry, there are stil many steps left on entering the friendzone.
Step three: Guys hate girls that are funnier. If you are quite the comedian like myself, you are just intimidating the guys! They want to be the best and as soon as you let one sexual joke go, it will atomatically put you right in. He now knows that you have just as dirty and disgusting mind as he does. You are in. Congratulations you are a man.
With these steps there are still more to come (just you wait) and you will forever be viewed as one of the guys. I know it is what you always drempt.