Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Adventures to Find Stevie

It was a cold Wednesday night, almost as cold as the person who stole Stevie Pointer. Jen, Jenna, and Kara went out for the sacred search of Stevie.

 First, they were lead to the second floor of the library where they went on the hunt for the UWSP campus newspaper, "The Pointer." Thinking this would be a breeze, the three of them walk up to the counter to ask the library assistant for some help. Instead of a nice plump lady that they were expecting, they find themselves facing a terrible monster. This monster ate the clue. Jenna decided that the only way to save Stevie and to get this clue is to go inside of the monster. Jenna takes her sword and stabs the monster and grabs the clue. The clue was "E."

They were told to find the shark. Oh no, this involved swimming. Kara can't swim so she sits this one out. Jenna and Jen go down in the ocean and find the shark which ate an egg. This egg is from Alaska so the clue was "A."

After Jenna kills the shark with her barehands. As they swam back to shore to find Kara waiting for them on a rock they found themselves on their way to the reference center where they met a nice lady named Jill. Jill told them that the next clue to find Stevie was a "V." E-A-V were the clues so far.
Hurray! They are getting so close!

Jen, Jenna, and Kara decided that the next place to look for Stevie is the 3rd floor. As they fight their way through fire they hear some Rock n' Roll music. This leads them to the band The Rolling Stones. The Rolling Stones inform them that this clue is "R." Jenna, Jen, and Kara high five and head towards the fourth floor.

They find themselves in a silent film where they cannot speak with each other. Spooky. As they are running away from the kidnapper who they cannot hear, they jolt inbetween book shelves where they accidently knock over the book shelf. This lies their clue. Charlie Chaplin tells them  with his eyes that this clue is "C," the first letter of his first and last name.

Fist pumping, Kara, Jenna, and Jen make their way to the fifth floor. As they get to the fifth floor they hear monkey calls. They find themselves in a game of Nintendo64, Donkey Kong. Donkey is trapped in a bird cage. They must help him escape the cage by learning about Animal Biochemistry. They lazor through it and help Donkey Kong escape. Donkey is so thankful for them that he tells them the 6th clue, the letter "H."

Finally the trio gets to the last clue. They make their way up to the 6th floor. Here they are forced into hostage by some government officials. They start to read the SuDocs on the wall and plan their escape to find Stevie. They realize that the first two letters of the call number would say where it is. They look for Smithsonian Institution and realize the last two clues are "S" and "I." Yay, now all they have to do is unscramble the letters. Jen figured it out right away, "He's in Archives! That's where Stevie is!" The trio runs up and finds Stevie on the fifth floor. Hurray! Stevie is saved.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Realism and Genre

Realism is an interest in what is real and representing them in the most real way possible. An example of this is 500 Days of Summer. This is a love story between two people. It is realistic because in the end you most likely do not marry your first love. This movie demostrates a heart break but also the growth the characters. Antirealism is an interest is what is abstract, speculative or fantastic. An example of this Avatar because it is about a made up planet. The only real thing in that movie are the humans that are traveling through space, which that isn't even that realistic. Verisimilitude is an achievement of convincing the appearance of the truth. An example of this is Harry Potter. Even though witch craft isn't real and Hogwarts doesn't exist, the directors do a great job of making it seem realistic and the possiblity that it is real.

The five characteristics of genre are theme, setting, presentation, story formulas, character types, and stars.  My favorite genre is comedy, and the movie "The Hangover" is a great example of these characteristics. The Hangover takes place in Las Vegas which is perfect because mayhem always happens in this city. Since this movie is all about chaos, Las Vegas was a great choice. The theme of comedy often revolves around stupid decisions people make and how they learn to deal with it in a very different and weird way. This movie is a great example because they get themselves in some crazy positions and figure out odd ways to get out. Presentation in this movie is all the crazy things they get themselves into and how they get out. This movie they are on their bachelor party and it is all about having one last crazy night which I think they did. They have a good balance of characters because they have the hot shot, the up tight guy, the normal one, and of course, the weirdo. It needs all these characters to make this movie great.  They couldn't have picked a better cast to play these characters.

Monday, November 12, 2012

True Grit

The most important scene in True Grit is when Mattie gets captured by Tom Chaney and Ned Pepper. Throughout the movie Mattie is looking for revenge on Chaney after he had killed her father. When she is captured she is left with Chaney and she was waiting to die. However Chaney was given specific instructions by Pepper, if he killed Mattie he wouldn't get paid. This put Mattie at more ease. Chaney couldn't keep to his word and started to strangle Mattie. Texas Ranger LaBoeuf came to Mattie's rescue. He knocked out Chaney with the butt of his gun. Feeling safe again, Mattie and LaBoeuf went to watch U.S. Marshal Reuben J. "Rooster" Cogburn fight off Ned Pepper and his gang of cowboys. During this fight you watch Rooster take out all of them, being the sharp shooter that he is. Rooster ends up getting shot and is on the ground waiting for Pepper to end his life. This is when, once again, LaBoeuf comes to rescue. He shoots Pepper dead and Rooster survives. Right after Mattie and LaBoeuf celebrate and Peppers death, Chaney whom we all thought was dead rises and hits LaBoeuf on the head with a rock. It is then Mattie's job to shoot Chaney and end this vicious cycle after all. Mattie gets her revenge.

Although this is a very long scene it is definitely the most important. It shows significant growth in all of the characters. Mattie who is just a young girl finally gets her revenge on Chaney but ending his life the way he ended her father's. It shows how much Rooster and Mattie care for each other. Rooster fights the four cowboys alone, just to save Mattie's life. It shows how Rooster takes Mattie under his wing and has a need to put her survival over his own. Another significant growth is Texas Ranger LaBoeuf. He does not like Mattie at all during the film. He thinks she is a nuisance and is slowing down their path to Pepper and Chaney. He ends up saving her life. As much as he didn't like her, he risked everything for her in the end. This scene shows the growth of the characters and makes the movie worth watching.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


My favorite movie is Bridesmaids. The script is well written and has a quick sense of humor. It is one of those movies that never gets old and gets funnier every single time you watch it. I can't even tell you how many times I have seen this movie and how I laugh harder each time. Besides the script and hilarious plot line, it is very well casted. Kristen Wiig is one of the funniest ladies on television and was the perfect actress to have as the main character in this movie. Her facial expressions and her talent to make fun of herself makes this character great.

One reason I love it so much is because I can relate. These women are looking for love and marriage (which I am not doing) but their way of approaching it is something I would totally do. Their cheapstake ways and sense of humor is how I goof around with my friends and do by myself. It is why I connect to this movie so much. Besides the hilarious plot line, great cast, and clever lines, I think I love this movie so much because I can relate to it. I reccomend this movie to anyone who is looking for a great laugh. In fact, I might watch it again tonight.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How to Build a Snowman

Kara Kasmarek
Calvin Michiels
Tyler Tennies
How To Build A Snowman
        Making a snowman is commonly mistaken as an easy project. Most people take it for granted that they even have the chance to make a snowman. 50% of the United States doesn’t even receive snow because it’s way too warm out in the winter season. Some people go their entire lives without even seeing a single snowflake or getting to play around in the white wonder. This information only pertains to people who receive significant amounts of snowfall. We will inform you how to make the biggest, coolest, most radical snowman on the face of the earth.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to Get Stuck in the Friendzone (still in the works)

Most movies and comedies show a man getting stuck in the friendzone with women. They are always crushing on these women who never share the same interests as them. The guy always seems to "woo" the girl at the end of the movie and it is happily ever after. No one thinks a girl can end up in the friendzone, but trust me, it is possible. I, along with plenty of other girls, have been stuck in the friendzone. I would like to say I'm a master of it. And no, never have I "woo-ed" the guy in the end.
How does someone as cool as me end up in the friendzone? It is easy. If you follow these simple steps, you too, can end up in the friendzone.

Step one: Be yourself. Every guy says they want a girl who acts like themselves all the time but in reality they don't. As soon as you unleash that weird and awkward side of yours, there is no coming back. Guys lose interest in you right away. They dream of a perfect girl who has the right sexy but cute appeal. That's not you. The first key to entering the friendzone is just being you.

Step two: Burp. It is that simple. As soon as you unraval the most manly burp you can do, your attractiveness just went from an 8 to a 4. Nothing says any better, "I think you're cute and I want to date you." better than a nice beltch. You are one of the guys now! Congrats! But don't worry, there are stil many steps left on entering the friendzone.

Step three: Guys hate girls that are funnier. If you are quite the comedian like myself, you are just intimidating the guys! They want to be the best and as soon as you let one sexual joke go, it will atomatically put you right in. He now knows that you have just as dirty and disgusting mind as he does. You are in. Congratulations you are a man.

With these steps there are still more to come (just you wait) and you will forever be viewed as one of the guys. I know it is what you always drempt.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Winning isn't Everything

When the Packers lost to the Seattle Seahawks on a very contraversial call, all hell broke loose. Packer fans were beyond upset and Seahawk players and fans pretended like it was an actual win. Maraniss talked about how winning isn't everything however he was so upset with how quarterback Russell Wilson and coach Pete Caroll reacted. He was mad that they acted as if they truly won the game and out played the Packers, which isn't true. He thought that the right thing for these two to do was to talk about how it wasn't a great call and that they are very thankful for winning.
I agree with Maraniss. Neither Caroll or Wilson won that game. They won on a bad call. What they really should be doing is shaking the referees hands for letting them defeat the Green Bay Packers. The fact that they didn't even mention that it was a bad call made Packer fans everywhere lose respect for them. I agree with Maraniss completed. The way they reacted wasn't okay at all.